“Even though I studied math in university, I am a farmer after all. To possess a piece f land is a dream for me.

I bought the land hoping to plant and eat from it, and for my children to inherit it.”

—Talib Mansour, Al Walaja, Bethlehem

Save Al Walaja!

The Mansour family have cultivated little piece of heaven in rural Al Walaja (Bethlehem, West Bank), where they lived in bliss.

Now, all of this may be destroyed, as the Israeli authorities plan to demolish this farmhouse along with dozens of other homes and structures in Al Walaja.

Sahar and Talib Mansour, and their four children, found refuge during the COVID-19 lockdown on their farmland. Quarantined and home schooling, the family renovated the “wild jungle” of land overlooking a mountain of pine trees.

They planted trees, built a simple road, and a small structure with a bathroom and sink. Here, the family spent time in bliss – cooking, planting, and BBQing in nature.

But now, they along with dozens of other families in Al Walaja, they are at risk of demolition of their structures by the Israeli authorities.